This Present Moment
This Present Moment
The Present Dimension

The Present Dimension

A Brand Launches

Hey there! Forgive my hiatus, but I was stirring up something I'm very excited about. 

I am thrilled to announce the launch of a new brand I've created: 

In the loosest sense, THE PRESENT DIMENSION is a type of lifestyle brand. It's an adaptable agency designed to explore and expand consciousness—in whatever form that takes.

For instance, this writing series itself is a sort of bloodline to the brand. The ideas we explore here give life and conviction to the ethos of this new company.

Because beyond being just a name, "The Present Dimension" is also a living philosophy which articulates a genuine 'dimension' of our individual and collective reality.

It's what I call a Universal Space

The Present Dimension: A Universal Space

This Moment is the pinpoint where the past culminates
And flips inside out into the future we create.
In this present flippening, the world stands still
And a whole new Dimension is suddenly revealed.
It's that collective magnetism that joins us in breath 
As we gaze up at the wirewalker dancing over death.

It seeps out in the gleam of a newborn baby's eyes,
Or from the pregnant pink of a new day's morning sky.
It slides through every Moment, and hides in the mundane,
Like the multicolored prism beams from a drop of rain.
It's the waterway to Love—and it resurrects our Inspiration,
As a line drifts towards rhyme in divine collaboration.

This Dimension's all around, yet it's always freshly found.
Like an inner-diamond dug from our ancient common ground.
It may tease us with a twinkle, or arrest us in luster
When some strange providence ignites our Sense of Wonder.
Each journey finds its road is lit by glints of glory,
As cosmic coincidence casts meaning onto our Story.

Put more simply, it's the Feeling of Being Awake—
To the Beauty that flows from the folds of every day.
Whatever makes us feel alive, whatever passions capture us,
Whatever flutters of the heart lift us and enrapture us,
Any Moment of Awe, or natural human connection
Can be a Turnkey to The Present Dimension.

And if we choose to Meet each other in this Center-Place,
We'll greet a grander world in a fantasia of embrace.
For there's a timeless mystery within this very Moment.
And when our eyes are Open, it Shines in — And we Know it.
It's breathing air. Its body's there. A Kingdom comes clear:
You're Alive. We're Alive. Wake Up! We are here.

This Brand is a wayfinder that gestures towards that ↑ dimension. 

Another leg of this brand is apparel. We're beginning with a line of premium tee shirts sourced from an inspiring manufacturer named Known Supply. Known Supply's all about ethical fashion production, and each of their shirts are hand-signed on the tag by whoever crafted it.

And bringing this personal touch into even more immediacy, I've had the shirts embroidered across the chest—by a local artisan here in Asheville—with the phrase Presence is Power.

In a world drowning in Noise,
We each have the Choice
To rise above the chaos
And use Presence as our Voice.

From the original hand-maker to the embroiderer to The Present Dimension, each step of these shirts' creation has been infused with a human touch. And now it's your turn to carry on that spirit. 

As you can see, The Present Dimension is many things: Aside from being a brand and a philosophy—this is also an art project. It's also an experiment in language. It's also, at its most metaphysical, a participatory hologram aimed at drawing a vibrational hyper-space out of the morphic field which—Ah, I digress! More on that one some other time! 😜

But at its most personal, The Present Dimension is a prism to shine Life through. What beams out the other end is the wonder within you.

The process of developing this brand has been the most enriching experience. I must thank Nick Gertonson for assisting me with the web side of it all—a more generous friend I could not ask for.  And thanks to my loving partner, Molly, who's intuition and support is a well of which I would be parched without. 

And as always, thank you for your continued engagement. 

Now head on over to

I'm so excited.


The Present Dimension Website

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This Present Moment
This Present Moment
A Creative Magazine on Awe Mystery Meaning and Spirit
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