Hey folks! Today I've got something different.
I consider This Present Moment to be a creative magazine, however until now it has not featured any content beyond writing (and its audio counterpart). But today I present its first video issue.
Many of you are familiar with Nielsen, the data firm responsible for estimating radio and television viewership. In a process that feels out of the 1970's, Nielsen ratings are measured by snail-mailing dollar bills out to everyday Americans in a plea for them to chronicle their media habits.
Last month, Nielsen mailed me two crisp dollar bills—I took the bait and never looked back. Per their demands, I began logging everything I listened to for one week.1
And I videotaped it.
In turn, I invite you to watch a short slice-of-life documentary which charts the vibrations of my ear-drums through various albums, podcasts, YouTubes and news.
At its most fun, this is a mixtape of the musical moods which visited a random week of my life. But as an issue of This Present Moment, you can also trust that amidst this film's audioscape are ideas pertinent to the themes we've been exploring here.
Consider this an aural opening into my reality tunnel. Enjoy.
Thanks for tuning in! As always, I'm interested in your thoughts, concerns, questions and ideas. And if you haven’t yet checked out The Present Dimension, head on over!
Nielsen measures only terrestrial radio (AM/FM). Although my listening habits are exclusively digital, I nonetheless offered an honest reflection of what I tune in to.